RevTwo Navigator Features
Products are becoming more complex, customer expectations are rising, and there are not enough service and support experts to meet those expectations. Knowledge transfer to new or remote employees is by oral tradition or through complex manuals that are difficult to read. The most experienced employees are being lost due to retirement or job changes. New hires into the service team would rather work “digitally”. You can’t create knowledge base articles fast enough nor can people find the article they need when they need it. Improvements in procedures are often lost in the shuffle.
RevTwo Navigator is a software application – available on web, mobile, or embedded – that leads users through each step of the troubleshooting process in the most efficient and cost effective manner to identify the problem and reach a correct diagnosis; presenting the most relevant information they need at each step. A system that learns as it is used and lets users easily add knowledge as they experience new situations or conditions.
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Guided diagnostics
Educated by your experts
The AI in RevTwo will monitor all troubleshooting sessions and learn the best path to a diagnosis and repair.
Uses data from people, IoT, or other sources
RevTwo can work using only data provided by users through the Navigator for Mobile application on their smartphone. This avoids any changes to equipment or adding connectivity.
The system becomes even more efficient when machine data collected by scanning QR codes, or gathered from IoT and other business systems, is incorporated into a session. Beyond machine data, RevTwo can pull data about the product, customer, use case, and past history to help inform the troubleshooting process.
Gets better with use
Standardize troubleshooting processes
One of the hardest things in support or service is to get people around the world to do things in a consistent way. By following the steps suggested by Navigator, users naturally adopt methods that lead to the most effective results. Expert users can have the option to skip steps and that information further helps to train the system.
If your products are serviced using third party organizations, this tool can help standardize how they perform repairs.
Works within tools your users already have
With a consistent interface across smartphone app, web app, or embedded widget within popular CRM software, users can easily work and transfer knoweldge no matter what their job function or location. Regardless of which interface is used, the steps, supporting information, and learning are all captured and used by the AI to improve resolution rates.
Enable social knowledge sharing
As users are troubleshooting issues, they will encounter new scenarios or discover better ways to do things. By adding their notes in RevTwo Navigator – using text, voice or video – they are able to quickly share that knowledge with other users who are working on a similar issue.
Avoid information overload
There is simply too much information for people to be able to keep up with new versions of manuals or knowledge base articles. Users want the latest information at the moment they need it. Each step of the troubleshooting procedure can be supplemented with html text, pdf files, web links, and videos.
No more searching for manuals or missing service bulletins! Users have everything they need in the mobile app or embedded within the CRM system.
Captures data and steps for more effective escalations
As an issue moves through the diagnostic process, RevTwo records the observations and activities. If an issue must be escalated, all of that information is visible to the incoming expert. No more asking customers to repeat information or to redo steps because it wasn’t clear what had already been done.
Usage driven analytics for new insights
As information about the number of times a problem has occurred, what steps were taken, the cost in time or parts is recorded, this becomes the data that creates valuable insights for product management and engineering on how to improve the product. What kind of issues are occurring most frequently? What steps lead to the best diagnostics? Analytics provide these insights and more to confirm your investment is being used and problems are being solved.
Additional details about RevTwo Navigator
How does RevTwo get machine data?
RevTwo breaks with the traditional support tool and knowledge base approach. Instead of utilizing search technology, i.e. how a customer describes an issue, RevTwo does a deeper, more meaningful analysis, using actual product data. This data is the...